Ever been infatuated with something? Perhaps something more than just a boy, girl, terrible moment, or a moment of happiness in your life. I mean something that can't be explained one way or another. The fight for God and the attempt to exterminate Creationism will last forever in this life. Why? it's simple. We are human. That gives us the best and worst of both worlds. God himself could come to Earth and shake the hand of every living mortal, and the second he left 25% of us would immediately try to prove he isn't the one true God, others would fight to prove he was, and then those in the middle would wonder what the hell was actually going on. Knowing that, there is no end to the "everlasting" argument. Not because "there is no answer" but because there are people that truly are blind to anything outside themselves. When you choose to close your mind and not be open, you make a choice to be unhappy and scrutinized for the rest of your life, and probably long after. With that you'll never convince everyone you are right, simply because you wouldn't give them the time of day.
I think about the mysteries all the time. Such as the make up of electrons. At first it sounds funny to some, and stupid to others, and for some it may seem like mad scientist talk. But the truth is electrons are something, and therefor are made of something, and beyond that something must be compiling whatever it is that makes up an electron. I think to myself "is there really an end and a beginning?" Maybe not.... That blows my mind, and no matter how you slice it you can't ever prove it. Maybe for a period of time you may think there is, but then something or someone adds or subtracts from your philosophy and it falls apart once again.
On top of the fact that building blocks of life and existence may go on forever, the next thought that comes to mind is "how the hell is it possible or impossible to regulate?" Some may say that God knows. Or that miracles are at hand. But those are just simple answers to give them comfort. That's not enough for me and my mind. If God knows, then what is it that allows him to regulate such a thing that is more complex than himself, for he must be made of something or everything, because if he's made of nothing than he doesn't exist. A miracle is something that cannot be explained scientifically. You cannot rely simply on science, i've come to know, but you can't simply rely on divine intervention either. To act without contemplating or prayer, is to doom yourself to those that did, and to only pray or contemplate and never act is to again be at the will of those that act. You can't say something happened simply because you prayed, because if everyone only prayed all the time, they'd starve. God isn't going to do everything for you.
If time travel was ever possible, and you went to the past, would you really be going to the past? Because if you're going to the past, how is it that you are still you? Or would you no longer be yourself, for in the past, you where not as you where as when you left the future. haha, kinda mind boggling to think, and if you understand what i'm saying, then it's even more mind boggling.
The last thing i wanted to mention is death itself. What happens to "us" in death? I don't know, and i know you and everything else on this planet that lives doesn't know. How do i know? Because if you in fact are alive, then you never truly died. To die is to expire, and if you are not yet expired, you are not yet dead. To die is to emit the last breathe, but if you come to breathe again, than it was not your last breathe and you didn't die. To die is to end this "Earthly career" and if you are still walking talking, and living with the living, you never died. So what happened to those that did become clinically dead for a certain period of time? Well i'm not exactly sure, but i can tell you that they are not dead, and their experience was not the same death that has come to those that truly did pass on. How do i know it wasn't the same? the same way that i know climbing to the top of Harney Peak in the Black Hills of South Dakota is not equal to the Experience of those that Climbed to the top of Mt. Everest. Sure you climbed a mountain, but you didn't climb "The Mountain".
I think about the mysteries all the time. Such as the make up of electrons. At first it sounds funny to some, and stupid to others, and for some it may seem like mad scientist talk. But the truth is electrons are something, and therefor are made of something, and beyond that something must be compiling whatever it is that makes up an electron. I think to myself "is there really an end and a beginning?" Maybe not.... That blows my mind, and no matter how you slice it you can't ever prove it. Maybe for a period of time you may think there is, but then something or someone adds or subtracts from your philosophy and it falls apart once again.
On top of the fact that building blocks of life and existence may go on forever, the next thought that comes to mind is "how the hell is it possible or impossible to regulate?" Some may say that God knows. Or that miracles are at hand. But those are just simple answers to give them comfort. That's not enough for me and my mind. If God knows, then what is it that allows him to regulate such a thing that is more complex than himself, for he must be made of something or everything, because if he's made of nothing than he doesn't exist. A miracle is something that cannot be explained scientifically. You cannot rely simply on science, i've come to know, but you can't simply rely on divine intervention either. To act without contemplating or prayer, is to doom yourself to those that did, and to only pray or contemplate and never act is to again be at the will of those that act. You can't say something happened simply because you prayed, because if everyone only prayed all the time, they'd starve. God isn't going to do everything for you.
If time travel was ever possible, and you went to the past, would you really be going to the past? Because if you're going to the past, how is it that you are still you? Or would you no longer be yourself, for in the past, you where not as you where as when you left the future. haha, kinda mind boggling to think, and if you understand what i'm saying, then it's even more mind boggling.
The last thing i wanted to mention is death itself. What happens to "us" in death? I don't know, and i know you and everything else on this planet that lives doesn't know. How do i know? Because if you in fact are alive, then you never truly died. To die is to expire, and if you are not yet expired, you are not yet dead. To die is to emit the last breathe, but if you come to breathe again, than it was not your last breathe and you didn't die. To die is to end this "Earthly career" and if you are still walking talking, and living with the living, you never died. So what happened to those that did become clinically dead for a certain period of time? Well i'm not exactly sure, but i can tell you that they are not dead, and their experience was not the same death that has come to those that truly did pass on. How do i know it wasn't the same? the same way that i know climbing to the top of Harney Peak in the Black Hills of South Dakota is not equal to the Experience of those that Climbed to the top of Mt. Everest. Sure you climbed a mountain, but you didn't climb "The Mountain".