There are so many things that people say guys should know about girls. And that girls are complicated. That's all true! But believe me when i tell you that girls need to know a few things about guys. It will save many fights.
well i hope this helps!
- Guys like to flirt, but we hate others that do.
- When a guy really likes you, you truly become flawless, so don't ask "what would you change about me" because we'll honestly think of whatever it is you sit at night and think of, or stare into the mirror at thinking to yourself "god that's so ugly", i suggest you stop wasting your time, because HE doesn't see it. unless we don't like you ;-)
- When a guy asks what you want, tell him EXACTLY what you want, if you generalize you wont get shit that you like. "i'd like some new underwear, but they have to be red or black" no no, i said EXACTLY!!! Cut out the fucking adds if you have to and circle that shit! E-mail him the pictures of the EXACT thing that you want.
- When we vent about something being wrong, we're not looking for advice. Just someone to hear us out. Feel very special that we decided to share some actual feeling with you. Even in anger, it's a trust thing.
- A guys best friend knows absolutely everything. So stop being surprised and use this to some advantage ;-)
- You don't need to smell like a tone of perfume to catch us. As long as you don't smell like ass we'll flock to the ones we like, no matter what.
- We can handle our problems just fine, but wanting to is a different matter.
- When a guy is staring at you it's simply one of 2 things, A. he's struck and amazed by you, or B. he's criticizing you.
- Guys will generalize all girls, EXCEPT, the one they fall in love with. Suddenly every rating scale no longer contains that girl. She's the one, no more comparing with the general population. If anything, all others will be compared to HER.
- Don't mess with our hats.
- When you ask a guy what he's thinking about and he says "nothing" his mind could very well contain NOTHING at that point in time. Whatever his eyes are looking at, that's what's on his mind....or even less.
- When a guy asks "where do you want to eat", that doesn't mean -- repeat the question back to me so we can fight about where we're going to fill our stomachs. It means -- i want you to eat anywhere with you so choose a place, because it's my gift to you.
- BEWARE: When you provoke us to get mad, we will.
- When you say anything like "well i had something to tell you, but now i don't want to"... we'll jump to so many far fetched conclusions, you wont believe! to leave a guy hanging like that is like giving a gun to a psychopath.
- Once we let you in (to our hearts and minds) we'll bolt lock the door behind you. So if you don't want us, don't walk in that far.
well i hope this helps!