In recent years the debate about what to do with raising concerns for our pollution problems is slowly leading countries and their populations to find more environmentally friendly ways to do things. Unfortunately not enough people are convinced that all our pollution is doing much harm.
I've decided to tell you a little bit about a problem that is 100% provable without a doubt among all scientists... Acid Rain. Acid Rain refers to when rain fall contains higher than normal amounts of acids, such as nitric acid and sulfuric acid, or the same acids being blown as dry matter in the wind like dust particles. The main source for the natural occurrence is volcanoes. The problem is with humans burning fossil fuels for running cars and power plants. All studies have shown when you reduce vehicular traffic and power plant emissions the areas acid rain effects drop like a rock, and even more astonishing is the atmospheric wind patterns that carry the stuff far and wide drop also. this means when you turn off a coal power plant in one city, everyone within hundreds of miles suffers less, water pollution drops, and trees grow stronger, while rust on cars and metal even becomes less!
There are many problems that occur with us causing a large rise in acid rains. The 3 main problems are what I'm going to focus on here today. The first and most concerning is human health:
- All the studies concerning humans and the inhalation of these particles from acid rains have shown to cause and increase in premature deaths due to heart and lung problems.
- The impact on human health has shown that acid rain is causing us $50 billion a year on medical expenses, due to hospital admissions, life long disorders such as asthma and COPD, and even cancers and infant death.
Secondly is the effect on forest life. Everything from the soil to the trees is effected badly due to increased acid rains.
- It stunts tree growth and causes the leaves and needles to brown and fall off weeks ahead of their natural times.
- Whole areas of trees will die off without any reason. And then when the forestry service or others go in and sample the soils and bark, they find elevated levels of the acids from industry. It is true that acid rain alone doesn't kill off huge areas of forest. It's the acid rain on top of all the stresses that trees must deal with on a day to day basis. The point is that we can't get rid of all the insects, harsh cold winters, or prevent droughts. BUT, we can take responsibility for putting on the straw that broke the camels back...Acid Rain.
- Different soils are effected differently, but what seems to be the case is those soils on higher altitudes don't have the means to deal with our added concentrations of acid rains, causing the soils to be harmful to the plants, and small animal life that lives underground.
The types of plants that due seem to resist acid rain are the agricultural plants that farmers are always fertilizing and paying close attention to. Our crops such as corn and beans don't suffer because of our care taking, but we can't fertilize the entire planet several times a year.
The third and perhaps the biggest thing suffering from acid rain are our oceans. This is because it's getting all the concentrated doses of acid rain. With the rain falling more over the oceans than on land, plus all the streams that carry the acid rain to the rivers, and then to the oceans, dumping millions of tons of nitrogen oxide, ammonia, and sulfur dioxide each year into our marine world.
Think of it this way... Lets ignore acid rain and think of it in a different light. Tell me if the following is a good idea.
-- Take 400 tankers (trucks with an 8,200 gallon capacity) carrying ammonia, 400 with sulfur dioxide, and 300 with nitrogen oxide. And have them dump all that into the oceans every 365 days.... That's over 10 million gallons of this stuff being dumped into the oceans each year.... how is that not a bad thing?...
Nearly every creature that has a shell is being effected, because it eats away the calcium they use to make it. Coral grows much slower and even dies due to the higher levels of acidity.
Physically and mentally we're already contaminated. The longer we continue to pump this stuff into the atmosphere, the worse it will be.... so when do you plan to stand up for yourself and end this?
I've decided to tell you a little bit about a problem that is 100% provable without a doubt among all scientists... Acid Rain. Acid Rain refers to when rain fall contains higher than normal amounts of acids, such as nitric acid and sulfuric acid, or the same acids being blown as dry matter in the wind like dust particles. The main source for the natural occurrence is volcanoes. The problem is with humans burning fossil fuels for running cars and power plants. All studies have shown when you reduce vehicular traffic and power plant emissions the areas acid rain effects drop like a rock, and even more astonishing is the atmospheric wind patterns that carry the stuff far and wide drop also. this means when you turn off a coal power plant in one city, everyone within hundreds of miles suffers less, water pollution drops, and trees grow stronger, while rust on cars and metal even becomes less!
There are many problems that occur with us causing a large rise in acid rains. The 3 main problems are what I'm going to focus on here today. The first and most concerning is human health:
- All the studies concerning humans and the inhalation of these particles from acid rains have shown to cause and increase in premature deaths due to heart and lung problems.
- The impact on human health has shown that acid rain is causing us $50 billion a year on medical expenses, due to hospital admissions, life long disorders such as asthma and COPD, and even cancers and infant death.
Secondly is the effect on forest life. Everything from the soil to the trees is effected badly due to increased acid rains.
- It stunts tree growth and causes the leaves and needles to brown and fall off weeks ahead of their natural times.
- Whole areas of trees will die off without any reason. And then when the forestry service or others go in and sample the soils and bark, they find elevated levels of the acids from industry. It is true that acid rain alone doesn't kill off huge areas of forest. It's the acid rain on top of all the stresses that trees must deal with on a day to day basis. The point is that we can't get rid of all the insects, harsh cold winters, or prevent droughts. BUT, we can take responsibility for putting on the straw that broke the camels back...Acid Rain.
- Different soils are effected differently, but what seems to be the case is those soils on higher altitudes don't have the means to deal with our added concentrations of acid rains, causing the soils to be harmful to the plants, and small animal life that lives underground.
The types of plants that due seem to resist acid rain are the agricultural plants that farmers are always fertilizing and paying close attention to. Our crops such as corn and beans don't suffer because of our care taking, but we can't fertilize the entire planet several times a year.
The third and perhaps the biggest thing suffering from acid rain are our oceans. This is because it's getting all the concentrated doses of acid rain. With the rain falling more over the oceans than on land, plus all the streams that carry the acid rain to the rivers, and then to the oceans, dumping millions of tons of nitrogen oxide, ammonia, and sulfur dioxide each year into our marine world.
Think of it this way... Lets ignore acid rain and think of it in a different light. Tell me if the following is a good idea.
-- Take 400 tankers (trucks with an 8,200 gallon capacity) carrying ammonia, 400 with sulfur dioxide, and 300 with nitrogen oxide. And have them dump all that into the oceans every 365 days.... That's over 10 million gallons of this stuff being dumped into the oceans each year.... how is that not a bad thing?...
Nearly every creature that has a shell is being effected, because it eats away the calcium they use to make it. Coral grows much slower and even dies due to the higher levels of acidity.
Physically and mentally we're already contaminated. The longer we continue to pump this stuff into the atmosphere, the worse it will be.... so when do you plan to stand up for yourself and end this?